Sunday 2 June 2024

May's Learning

In English, we have been learning about free-verse poetry.  We looked at the poem Cat Began by Andrew Matthews and then wrote our own poems about a robot and thought creatively about how it could be made. 

In maths, we continued learning about money and then started learning about time. 

Our science topic has been all about light and shadows. We looked at how shadows change over a day, learnt about how to stay safe in the sun, looked at different materials and then used all of our knowledge to create our own shadow puppet plays. It was great fun!  

In history, we are studying Ancient Greece.  We worked in groups and acted out the story of Medusa and found about about hoplites. 

In geography, we have been completing a range of orienteering challenges in the school grounds.  We had to read the map and go and visit different control points. 

In computing, we have been making a range of animations in Scratch and continuing to learn about staying safe online. 

In art, we have been drawing self portraits and also created a tissue paper portrait. 

In P.E. we have continued to develop our teamwork skills and improve our bat and ball skills. We have also been learning about having a healthy and active lifestyle. 

In French, we have been learning about fruits.

In R.E. we have been exploring a range of sacred books and stories. 

Another busy month learning some great things! 

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