We’ve had another month full of exciting learning in Year 3!
In English, we’ve been learning how to write explanation texts and we have written all about how to use Accelerated Reader. We explained about logging onto the computer, we told them all about the sunflower and we even told them about the house points you get if you gain a certificate. We typed up our edited version ready for next years’ Year 3’s.
In Maths, we have been learning about different shapes and their properties. Our learning journey for this work led us to designing a cuboid graffiti wall and completing a shape treasure hunt. It was fun!
Science has seen us learning all about plants. We have investigated whether plants need leaves, we’ve studied the parts of a flower and painted them in watercolour and we have drawn fruit seeds.
Furthermore, our other work this month has included making fabulous Medusa clay plaques, finding out the correct scientific names for our body parts and designing beautiful photo frames.
Excitingly, we met with our new Year 4 teachers. We spent a morning trying to impress them with everything we have learnt in Year 3. We’ve learnt so much already but we’ve still a month to see what else we can squeeze in.
Finally, we’ve been practising our athletic skills in preparation for Sport’s Day. We can’t wait!