May has certainly been a busy month! Let's see what we've been up to in Year Three...
First, the school celebrated the King's Coronation in style. We wore red, white and blue and took part in some activities to learn about and celebrate our new King.
Then, we had an exciting trip to Cambridge to visit two museums. At the Fitzwilliam museum, we revised and learned more about the Ancient Egyptians! We were in awe when we learned how old some of the artefacts were. The giant sarcophagus lid which was found in Rameses III's tomb was particularly mind-boggling.

The artwork and hieroglyphics on the coffins were fascinating, even though we didn't understand much of it (we're good at reading hieroglyphics now, but not THAT good!).
We also visited the University Museum of Zoology, where we showed off how much we remembered about animals bodies, food chains and digestive systems. We also learned lots more about skeletons and bones. We were lucky enough to hold an elephant femur, a turtle skull and see plenty of incredible creatures!
Crosshall Junior School also dedicated a whole week to maths! We created maze artwork, learned how to solve sudokus and learned about finances and budgeting. Some of us also challenged ourselves to take part in the St Neots Maths Trail. Phew!
Finally, many Year Three pupils went on their very first residential trip to Burwell House. Children who stayed at school and children at Burwell took part in many exciting activities, including natural art, the infamous Burwell Fox challenge and team building games. What an experience! Photos to come.