Tuesday, 31 January 2023

January's Learning

2023 started with the children in Year Three thinking about all the reading they did over the Christmas holiday and different things that involve reading skills. This was shared as a year group display for everyone to see.  

We also thought about New Years resolutions and what we wanted to improve this year. 

In maths, we started learning about length and perimeter. Our topic started with us measuring different things in our classroom using a range of equipment. 

We were learning about discussion texts in English. We wrote two different ones: 
Should we have zoos or not? 

Was Goldilocks a good girl or a bad girl?

In science, we have been learning about different types of rocks and how they are formed.  We enjoyed testing the hardness of rocks and whether they were permeable or not.  We also researched how different rocks are used. 

In outdoor P.E., we have been improving our bat and ball skills and in indoor P.E. we enjoyed using a range of equipment to create a gymnastics routine. 

In computing, we have been learning about branching databases.

Our geography topic is all about Greece.  For our Sparky Start, we tasted different Greek foods! We learnt about the similarities and differences between Greece and the U.K. and we watched some videos and wrote a postcard about a holiday in Greece to a friend.  We also worked in small groups and made a salt dough model of Greece. We will be using these in our 'Travel Exhibition' later this half term...

In D.T., we have been learning about the different food groups.  After half term, we are going to be tasting different foods and designing and making a healthy snack. 

Wow! What a busy and exciting start to the year we have had!