Thursday, 30 January 2020

Spellings to be tested Thursday 6th February

Spelling Pattern: the digraph or (as in short) and the trigraph ore (as in more)

CORE: them, I'm, was, what, short, born, sport
Lower School Word List: century, certain, circle

short, born, fork, storm, sport, more, store, core, sore, tore (plus three unseen words).
Lower School Word List: guide, heard, heart

port, force, horse, worn, torch, more, score, adore, store, chore (plus three unseen words).
Lower School Word List: guide, heard, heart

short, scorch, force, forge, metaphor, restore, ignore, foretold, boredom, scoreboard (plus three unseen words).
Lower School Word List: guide, heard, heart

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

3CD Art

The children in 3CD really enjoyed designing and making their printing tile (printing it was great fun too!).  They were eager to take one home, so we are busy turning one of the prints into a 2020 calendar...

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Spellings to be tested Thursday 30th January

Spelling Pattern: the trigraph igh (as in high), and two sounds of the digraph ie: - lie, tie; - chief, field

time, her, them, I'm, high, right, lie
Lower School Word List: centre, century, certain

high, right, night, might, lie, tie, cries, cookie, chief, field (plus three unseen words)
Lower School Word List: grammar, group, guard

sigh, flight, tight, right, spies, dried, replies, chief, shield, belief (plus three unseen words)
Lower School Word List: grammar, group, guard

twilight, slight, fright, delight, skies, magpie, denies, dignified, niece, shriek (plus three unseen words)
Lower School Word List: grammar, group, guard

Friday, 17 January 2020

Spellings to be tested Thursday 23rd January

Spelling Pattern: the sounds ow (as in now), ow (as in own), ue (as in blue) and ew (as in new)


one, him, time, her,  now, down, own
Lower School Word List: caught, centre, century

now, down, how, show, own, blue, true, flew, grew, drew (plus three unseen words) 
Lower School Word List: February, forward (s), fruit


growl, frown, crowd, window, below, argue, value, rescue, few, crew (plus three unseen words). 

Lower School Word List: February, forward (s), fruit


brow, drown, howl, shadow, elbow, argue, statue, queue, knew, nephew (plus three unseen words). 
Lower School Word List: February, forward (s), fruit

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Postcards from India

Today, to practise our postcard writing technique, we imagined we were in India on holiday had visited a market and were writing home about our adventure. 

Below is work by: Ella, Jack, Joshua, Emma, Adam, Clemmy, Sam, Eleanor, Anya, Abigail and Dexter. 

They all followed our 'slow write' prompt and added their own vocabulary and detail. 

Monday, 6 January 2020

Spring Term Home Learning Information for Year Three

This term, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be times table practice and either a written consolidation or MyMaths task set. (30 minutes) Each Monday, the children will take part in a times table test.

In school, we have a weekly focus on a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes) Class teachers will test each week's spelling list on a Thursday.

Children should read with an adult at least three times a week at home. Where possible, this could be every day. Renaissance Home Connect enables parents to see information about your child's progress within Accelerated Reader. Reading Diaries will be checked weekly by class teachers. 

This home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will recommence on Thursday 9th January 2020.