Wednesday, 12 December 2018

9 Times Tables by Katie

Katie made a poster to help her class with their 9 times table and division facts.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Esme's 'The Snowman' Postcard

In English, we've been studying the book and film 'The Snowman'. In today's English lesson, we wrote postcards home from James about his visit to the North Pole. The postcard written by Esme is below.

Friday, 16 November 2018

3CD Firework Poems

The children in 3CD were inspired by firework displays and wrote some fantastic firework shape poems.

Click here to read the poems

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Halloween Rainbow Poems

Today, we continued writing some poetry. As part of our lesson about similes, the children wrote using the colours of the rainbow as part of their inspiration. Below are poems by Sian and Matilda, who chose to add a Halloween theme to their work.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

A Rainbow Is…

As red as a strawberry, nice and juicy 

As orange as a goldfish, breathing in the water 

As yellow as a pot of gold, underneath this rainbow

As green as a pear, hanging on a tree

As blue as some water, in the bathroom sink 

As purple as a plum, ripe and bright 

by Oliver B.

Monday, 10 September 2018

This is Not My Hat

Today, we read 'This is Not My Hat' by Jon Klassen. The ending of the book has three pages of pictures and no words. We had a go at writing how we imagine the story ended. 

These were written by Aleena and Liliya.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Autumn Home Learning Information for Year Three

This coming year, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be times table practice and either a written consolidation or My Maths task set. (30 minutes) Each Monday, the children will take part in a times table test.

In school, we have a weekly focus on a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes) Class teachers will test each week's spelling list on a Thursday.

Children should read with an adult at least three times a week at home. Where possible, this could be every day. Renaissance Home Connect enables parents to see information about your child's progress within Accelerated Reader. Reading Diaries will be checked weekly by class teachers.
This home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will begin on Thursday 13th September.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Year Three Curriculum Jigsaw

So that parents can be informed about what their child will cover in the coming year, we are sharing a copy of the 'Curriculum Jigsaw':

A printable version of the jigsaw can be found here.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Lucy's Letter

As part of her Future Me work, Lucy H (Year Six) wrote a letter to Year Two to welcome them to our school. Today, when Year Two came to visit, Mr Dorey read the letter to the Year Two pupils.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Y3 Dates for This Term

Important dates for the coming term: 


Training Day Three
Term Five begins
London Bonus Day – St George’s Day

May Day
Clubs begin
Celebration Assembly Six
14th – 18th
Burwell Residential
Y3 Greek Day
22nd – 24th
Talent Show
Term Ends
Training Day Four

Term Six begins
11th – 15th
Father’s Day Lunch
Celebration Assembly Seven
Father’s Day Lunch

CJS Transition Day
New Parents Evening
Sports Day
Reports go home
Training Day Five
Instrumental Concert
Summer Fayre
Celebration Assembly Eight
Celebration Assembly Ten
End of Year Discos
Reserve Sports Day
Last Day

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Home Learning Information for Year Three

This coming term, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be times table practice and either a written consolidation or Mathletics task set. (30 minutes)

In school, we have a weekly focus on a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes)

Children should read with an adult at least three times a week at home. Where possible, this could be every day. Renaissance Home Connect enables parents to see information about their child's progress within Accelerated Reader.

This home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will recommence on Thursday 19th April. 

As always, there will be no Home Learning to complete during the half term break. 

On Wednesday 4th July, children will meet their Year Four teacher for next year and the preparation work set that day will replace home learning for the final weeks of the year. 

Spelling tests will take place in the same way they did during the previous terms. 

Monday, 26 March 2018

3LJ Photo Frames

3LJ have been busy today making their photo frames.