Friday, 18 December 2015

Tinsel and Tea Towels

What a performance!

A huge well done to the children in Year Three for their
Nativity performance of Tinsel and Tea Towels. The children worked extremely hard and
should be incredibly proud of themselves. There was a collection for the British Legion and
the children raised £141.17. Well done Year Three!

Friday, 29 May 2015

Making Photograph Frames

As part of our Design and Technology topic, the children designed and made a photograph frame. They had to bring in a photograph of their choice and design a frame that fitted the photo. There was lots of problem solving and perseverance, particularly creating a stand to make the frame stand up by itself!  The children were really proud of themselves with their finished photograph frames and wear eager to take them home!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Year Three History and Science Trip to Cambridge

Year Three had two fascinating days in Cambridge. At the Fitzwilliam Museum we found out all about the art of mummification and viewed the extensive collection of Egyptian artefacts.
It was hard to believe that the objects we were looking at were over 3000 years old! 

After lunch, we visited the Sedgwick Museum where the rocks we saw are much, much older! Some date back as far as 165 million years. 

The children had opportunities to record their findings in their sketch books and the museum teachers commented on how well they listened, shared their knowledge of the subject and represented their school.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Team Building in Year Three

The children enjoyed half a day of team building activities with Pat Forster from the Hunts School Sports Partnership. The children spent their session learning to work together as team. They built on their listening and communication skills, worked with new people and took turns to be ‘group managers’. Year Three teachers noticed an improvement in children’s perseverance and determination to succeed. The highlights of the session for the children were the ‘photo finish’ challenge and the ‘Robot eye mask game’.